The Blue Train
" The Blue Train " is the bedstead train which links Cape Town in the most Africa continent southernmost tip from metropolitan Pretoria in the Republic of South Africa and as for the luxury, it is proud of the competing facilities in the world 1.2.
The name of the bedstead limited express " Blue Train " such as " Asakaze " in my country was named by the image of this train.However, formerly, it came in reclame high and in " the apartheid ", it wasn't possible to say that the Blue Train in South Africa is the train which is an image which may be decided to us.
With the services of the president in front of Nelson Mandela, the apartheid became abolition and got to appeal to the world for the Blue Train, too, newly as the name train in the world.
独特色合いの車体を専用の電気機関車が牽引します。 |
Let's attempt to board a train.
ブルートレインは首都プレトリアから出発します。 |
車内のコンパートメントは、走るホテルといわれるほど豪華で、バストイレ付のデラックス部屋が配置されています。 In the luxury of the compartment in the car as to be said to that it does the hotel to run, a deluxe room with the bus restroom is arranged. |
車内には、ラウンジカー、ダイニングカーなどがあり、鉄道の旅を優雅に過ごすことができます。陸の豪華客船と言えるようです。 |
Let's attempt to take a locomotive.
ブルートレイン専用の機関車です。ふたりの運転士が乗務しています。特別に運転席に乗せていただきました。 It is the specifically designed locomotive of the Blue Train.The driver of the two people is riding. |
Masatoki Minami
April 3 2002 Pretoria
Special Thanks
South Africa Railway
South Africa airline
Photograph by CanonEOS-D60 Digital PowerShotG2